- White sage, also called shaman incense or holy sage, is made from the silvery-white leaves of the Salvia Apiana plant, which grows on the coast of California.
- This sacred plant has been used for centuries by Native Americans in purification rituals. It cleans not only the room, but also the mind.
- Scientific studies have shown that smoking these herbs kills 95% of the bacteria present in the room.
- White sage has a pungent, spicy scent that is even stronger than Palo Santo (Holy Wood).
- Suppliers make their own bundles of incense, which contributes to the highest quality. Before the bundles are bundled, the leaves are individually dried, which means that these bundles are mould-free and reach us without any loss of quality.
- These scented sticks are 100% natural and of the highest quality.
- White sage is grown in the United States.
- The incense is carefully stored in aesthetically pleasing packaging, which helps to preserve freshness and can also serve as a nice gift.
- In the Monomi boutique you can also find White Sage with Cinnamon, White Sage with Sweet Grass and the Natural Incense Set.
Nika Leste –
Vsak petek po čistilni akciji je to moj ritual, da odprem vsa okna in zadimim celo stanovanje. Za nagrado sami sebi! 😀
Jasna Potočnik –
Dobro posušen žajbelj in kompaktno zvit. Sem zelo zadovoljna s kvaliteto!
Maja Dolinar –
Beli žajbelj sem že prej kupovala v različnih trgovinah, ampak je to daleč najboljša kakovost, kar sem jih kdaj uporabila. Snopi so trdno speti in kakovost je vrhunska!!!
Natalija Kocbek –
Zelo zadovoljna z belim žajbljem! Vonj je čist in sproščujoč, dim pa lepo in enakomerno gori. Uporabljam ga za energijsko čiščenje prostora, in resnično opažam razliko v vzdušju – zrak je svež, energija pa bolj umirjena. Pakiranje je bilo skrbno izvedeno, tako da so vejice prispele cele in pripravljene za uporabo. Priporočam vsem, ki iščejo naraven način za dvig vibracij doma.