Kundalini Yoga Workshop A Journey to Subtle Power
Lokacija: Studio Equilibri, Staničeva 41, Ljubljana
Čas: sobota, 6. april 2024, ob 10.00
Delavnica Kundalini joge, ki jo bo vodila Olga Khmeleva, bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.
Join us on an enlightening Kundalini Yoga Workshop with Olga Khmeleva.
What to Expect
- An Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
- Popular Pranayamas and Bandhas
- Subtle and Powerful Kundalini Experience
Sukshma Yoga Set for Beginners
A gentle sequence promoting physical energy and mental calm. Simple yet profound, it opens subtle energy channels within, offering a holistic yoga experience.
Benefits Include:
- Stimulation of blood circulation
- Enhanced joint nutrition
- Opening of subtle energy channels
- Improved awareness and concentration
- Preparation for advanced yoga poses
Ideal for Those Seeking:
- Immune system strengthening
- Activation of synovial fluid production for agile joints
- Body energizing and healing
- Nervous system strengthening, anxiety reduction
- Skin rejuvenation
- Relaxation
Why Attend?
If you are looking to embrace the holistic benefits of Kundalini Yoga and embark on a journey towards wellness, this workshop is crafted for you.
Don’t miss this opportunity to nourish your body, mind, and soul with the profound wisdom of Kundalini Yoga. See you on the mat!
Cena: 30,00 € na osebo
Prijave na helloequilibri@gmail.com.
Brina Selan
Moje ime je Brina in rada obračam ljudi na glavo! Sem mednarodno licencirana učiteljica Hatha in Unnata aerial joge ter soustanoviteljica studia Equilibri v Ljubljani. Zaljubljena sem v potovanja, kužke, jogo, hribe, organizacijo dogodkov in nasmeške ljudi po urah joge.